"BURN THE WITCH" is a manga series written by Kubo Taito, who is a author of "BLEACH". 1st season ended on Sep 14 in Japan, and the 2nd season of manga is now announced.
The stage of the story is London. Since ancient times, 72% of the causes of death in London have been related to the existence of a variant called a dragon, which was invisible to people. Only people who can see dragons are residents of "reverse" London which is behind "front" London. Among them, the selected people become witches/wizards and contact dragons.
Main characters of the story are the witch pair Niihashi Noel and Ninny Spangcole. They are guardian of the agency that protect the dragons. Their mission is to manage and control dragons in London instead of people who cannot contact dragons...
The anime of "BURN THE WITCH" will be delivered on Crunchyroll on October 2.
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